Why do you need Cyber Essentials?
Prevent 80% of attacks
Many SMEs tend to believe they are safe with simple firewalls or anti-virus software. Cyber Essentials can guarantee to significantly reduce your risk of being breached by 80%.
Obtain government contracts
Being Cyber Essentials certified is a minimum requirement for any organisation looking to obtain government contracts (including the Ministry of Defence).
Save on
Achieving Cyber Essentials makes makes your business more attractive to underwriters and reduces your premiums.
Comply with GDPR
It's important to comply for many reasons, but here's one that particularly stands out - your organisation could be liable to pay up to 4% of your turnover if breached.
Your Risk Reduction Journey
Certification Levels
Cyber Essentials
The ‘basic’ level is self-assessed and independently verified. It works in the format of a questionnaire which has eight sections.
Cyber Essentials is suitable for any organisation.
Most small businesses find the process of preparing for the Cyber Essentials questionnaire educational and report it leads to increased awareness and permanent behaviour change regarding cyber security.
Larger organisations are often already implementing the security controls, but they might be looking to qualify for a Government contract or reassure their customers, so seek to demonstrate their cyber security commitment in a highly visible way.
Cyber Essentials Plus
This scheme includes the Cyber Essentials questionnaire but also involves an independent technical audit of your systems to verify that the Cyber Essentials controls are in place.
The audit includes a representative set of user devices, all internet gateways and all servers with services accessible to unauthenticated internet users.
If you would like to bid for central government contracts which involve handling sensitive and personal information or the provision of certain technical products and services, you will require Cyber Essentials Certification. More information is available on the Gov.UK website.
In general, the organisations that choose to certify with Cyber Essentials Plus report having a greater peace of mind knowing that the controls are all being followed correctly.